AC or DC Power Supplies
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GW Instek GPE-2323Compact Two Channel Linear D.C. Power Supply Ch1 0…32V 0…3A. Ch2 0…32V 0…3A
Ex VATGW Instek GPE-3323Compact Three Channel Linear D.C. Power Supply Ch1/2 0…32V 0…3A. Ch3 5V, 5A max
Ex VATGW Instek GPE-3060Compact Three Channel Linear D.C. Power Supply Ch1/2 0…30V 0…6A. Ch3 5V, 5A max
Ex VATGW Instek GPE-6030Compact Three Channel Linear D.C. Power Supply Ch1/2 0…60V 0…3A. Ch3 5V, 5A max
Ex VATGW Instek GPE-4323Compact Four Channel Linear D.C. Power Supply Ch1/2 0-32V 0-3A. Ch3 0-5V 0-1A. Ch4 0-15V 0-1A
Ex VATGW Instek APS-7050EAC Power Source with Maximum Power 500VA. Range 0…155Vrms 0…4.2A & 0…310Vrms 0…2.1A
Ex VATGW Instek APS-7100EAC Power Source with Maximum Power 1000VA. Range 0…155Vrms 0…8.4A & 0…310Vrms 0…4.2A