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Metrahit IM E-Drive BTSpecial Purpose Multimeter Test Kit for Testing Electrical & Hybrid Vehicles
Ex VATMetriso IntroInsulation Resistance Tester - Test at 250V, 500V & 1000V with Insulation Resistance to 10GΩ
Ex VATMetriso BaseInsulation Resistance Tester - Test at 50V, 100V, 250V & 500V with Insulation Resistance to 100GΩ
Ex VATMetriso TechInsulation Resistance Tester - At 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V with Insulation Resistance to 200GΩ
Ex VATGossen Metrawatt Secutest ST Base Portable Appliance Testing of Domestic & Commercial Electrical Equipment
Ex VATGW Instek GPD-2303S2 Channel Programmable Linear D.C. Power Supply Ch1 0…30V 0…3A. Ch2 0…30V 0…3A
Ex VATGW Instek GPD-3303S3 Channel Programmable Linear D.C. Power Supply Ch1 0…30V 0…3A. Ch2 0…30V 0…3A. Ch3 5V 0…3A
Ex VATGW Instek GPD-4303S4 Channel Programmable Linear D.C. Power Supply Ch1/2 0-30V 0-3A. Ch3 0-10V 0-1A. Ch4 0-5V 0-1A
Ex VATFluke 116Compact True RMS Multimeter, Low Current & Temperature suitable for HVAC Engineers 
Ex VATFluke 1577Compact Insulation Tester, Test Voltages of 500V & 1000V True RMS AC/DC Multimeter 
Ex VATFluke 9062Motor & Phase Rotation Indicator
Ex VATFluke TLK289SureGrip Industrial Master Test Lead Set.
Ex VATFluke TL224 + Fluke AC220SureGrip Silicon Test Lead with SureGrip Grabber Clip Set
Ex VATFluke TL224 + Fluke AC285SureGrip Silicon Test Lead with SureGrip Alligator Clip Set
Ex VATFluke TL224 + Fluke TP175SureGrip Silicon Test Lead with TwistGuard Test Probes
Ex VATFluke TL224 + Fluke TP74SureGrip Silicon Test Lead with Lantern Tip Test Probes
Ex VATFluke i2500-102500A iFlex current Probe Extends the range of your Fluke Multimeter or Clamp
Ex VATFluke i2500-182500A iFlex current Probe Extends the range of your Fluke Multimeter or Clamp
Ex VATFluke T110Two-Pole Voltage & Continuity Tester
Ex VATFlir DM92Industrial True RMS Multimeter designed to stand a 3m drop test with built in LED torch lights
Ex VATFluke 1000FLTFluorescent Light Tester
Ex VATMicroedge Site-Log LFV-2Multi Channel Data Logger - DC Voltage Logger 0-10V
Ex VATMicroedge iLog iTC-80Single Channel Data Logger - Thermocouple Temp Logger
Ex VATMicroedge iLog iCDC-25Single Channel Data Logger - DC Current Logger 0-25mA
Ex VATMicroedge iLog iVDC-10 Single Channel Data Logger - DC Voltage Logger 0-10V
Ex VATMicroedge Site-Log LFC-1Multi Channel Data Logger - DC Current Logger 4-20mA 
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-NPetit Channel Data Logger
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + GS-4VTPetit Data Logger with DC Voltage and Temperature Module
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + GS-THPetit Channel Data Logger with Temperature Sensor
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + GS-CO2Petit Channel Data Logger with Carbon Dioxide Module
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + GS-LXUVPetit Channel Data Logger with Illuminace & UV Module
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + GS-DPA / CO2 / THPetit Channel Data Logger with Dual Port Adapter, Carbon Dioxide & Temperature Module
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + GS-DPA / CO2 / LXUVPetit Channel Data Logger with Dual Port Adapter, Carbon Dioxide & Illuminance/UV Module
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + GS-DPA / TH / LXUVPetit Channel Data Logger with Dual Port Adapter, Temperature & Illuminance/UV Module
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + DPA-AC + AC50APetit Channel Data Logger with Current Sensor Adapter & 50A Current Sensor
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + DPA-AC + AC100APetit Channel Data Logger with Current Sensor Adapter & 100A Current Sensor
Ex VATGraphtec GL100-N + DPA-AC + AC200APetit Channel Data Logger with Current Sensor Adapter & 200A Current Sensor